The PCHS Band has a team of student leaders who help improve the band program throughout the school year! Student apply in the spring for positions that start over the summer and continue on through the school year. Many of these positions are for marching band, but the Band Board operates year-round. If you’re interested in one of these positions, be on the lookout for the student leadership application during the spring, or ask Mr. Vanderwall if there are any openings!
The role of Band President is one that requires a high degree of organization and dedication. You will coordinate meetings with the Vice President, Morale Chairperson, Historian, Secretary/Librarian, Band Representatives, and the Directors. You will be the driving force behind the Band Board and ensure that board members accomplish their tasks and goals in addition to the tasks and goals that you will accomplish.
The Vice President assists the President as required and will serve as acting President should the sitting President be absent or otherwise unavailable. The Vice President will work closely with the President to assist with heading up projects as decided upon by the Band Board and the Directors.
This Morale Chairperson will be responsible for planning two social events for the band (one Fall, one Spring) and will also coordinate Spirit Days during Marching Band Camp and throughout the year..
The Historian will begin the process of documenting the band’s history that spans back possibly as far as the 1930’s. Projects may include interviewing community members, past band directors, or staff as history directs.
The Secretary will take notes at meetings and type minutes to be distributed via Slack to all members after the conclusion of meetings. Any communication from the Band Board to the band via Slack or other methods should also be done by the Secretary.
The Band Librarian will be responsible for keeping our library neat and organized and keeping a well-maintained record of all band music owned by Plainfield Central High School.
There will be three Band Representatives: Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band, & Percussion Class. Your only defined job will be to communicate with your class on behalf of the Band Board and through your participation at board meetings, provide a perspective representative of the members of your band class. However, this position will be expanded and defined by the President as needed and may include assistance with coordinating student volunteers, helping coordinate fundraiser nights, or other tasks as needed. Be ready for anything!
The Drum Majors are the leaders of the Wildcat Marching Band. Your job is to coordinate with captains and section leaders throughout the season to ensure that rehearsals run smoothly. This includes bringing out podiums, yard markers, poker chips, PA systems, and anything else needed for rehearsals/performances. The parents of Drum Majors are responsible for coordinating Green & White Night and acquiring all donations.
Drum Majors also attend the Music for All Summer Symposium in mid-to-late June for training (visit their website for specific dates). We travel to Muncie on Sunday and return late the following Saturday. This is required for all Drum Majors.
Section Leaders are responsible for making sure that students in their section are performing well both musically and visually, help with maintaining their section’s rehearsal etiquette, help those in need musically and visually, and identify those who may need help from others (drum majors, staff, directors). Essentially, section leaders are the closest form of leadership to the band members on the field. They make strong emotional connections within their section, lead by example, and help create buy-in within their section to everything we do.
Please note that the President, Vice President, Secretary, Historian, Morale Chairperson, Librarian, and Band Representatives comprise the Band Board and have a full-year commitment. Drum Majors and Section Leaders are only committed for Marching Band. You may apply apply for the Band Board as well as a Marching Band Leadership position.